The Society has commented on the South Gloucestershire Council proposal to improve the layout of five junctions on the A4174 Ring Road between the Lyde Green and Kingsfield roundabouts. The A4174 Ring Road provides a major road link between the A4 and Bath to the south and the M32 and the M4 to the north, helping to take out through traffic from the centre of Bristol.
Tackling Road Congestion
Whilst we agree the need for an effective ring road system to cater for essential through traffic, we do not believe that the proposed scheme will be effective in reducing congestion and are not convinced that these proposals are the best use of £30m of taxpayers’ money. It is disappointing that there seems to have been no attempt made to look at alternatives to increased road capacity when we are in an air pollution and climate emergency. There are no bus lanes proposed. Cyclists and pedestrians appear to gain no real benefits but have some existing provisions removed.
The proposal may just mean that congestion and its associated problems of air pollution and accidents is shunted down the road to the next pinch point.
Environmental Impacts
A number of mature trees will be removed and widening through additional lanes will remove green areas. The net effect will be a less green road environment. Signal-controlled roundabouts would mean an increase in visual clutter from the increased number of signals, additional road markings and signage.
Option of a Reduced Road Scheme
If there are significant road safety issues at one or more of these roundabouts they could potentially be included in a smaller scheme. The scheme is explained on the Council website.
Sue Ellis