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Major Sites Group
Our Major Sites Group engages with major building development proposals, mostly in the city centre. The group takes part in the public consultation stage, before the planning application for major schemes. This is one of Bristol Civic Society’s most important roles.
The group:
- meets developers, planning officers and other interest groups to try to improve complex major developments.
- initiates campaigns, prepares written representations, and appears at Planning Enquiries.
- may generate ideas to develop and improve particular sites.
- works with other local planning groups, and if asked helps them to gain skills in dealing with major sites.
Join the Major Sites Group
The group meets once a month. You will meet new people, learn interesting things, and play your part in making Bristol better. An enthusiasm and interest in the work of the group is all that is needed. You don’t require professional expertise – you will pick it up as you go. And if you’re young, it’s useful experience that might go on your CV.
To join the group, email msg@bristolcivicsociety.org.uk .