Safeguarding policy


The Charity Commission, in its guidance note of 6 December 2017 as amended on 25 October 2018 emphasised that safeguarding should be a key governance priority for ALL charities, regardless of their objectives. In the light of this, the trustees (the Management Team) of the Bristol Civic Society have considered the range of its activities and the possible safeguarding issues arising from them, have assessed the risks, and have adopted the following statement of policy and practice.

Policy Statement

The Bristol Civic Society (the Society) recognises that the public expects charities to be safe and trusted places and will manage its business in a way that promotes the safety of those with whom it comes into contact, whether members, volunteers or the wider public. The Society expects all its members to behave with appropriate respect towards other members and the public, and to refrain from any behaviour which might constitute, or might be construed as constituting, abuse, exploitation or harassment.

Safeguarding and the Society’s work

The Society does not work with children or young people or with adults at-risk in vulnerable situations. Nor does it have contact with people in these groups, except to the extent that they may be among its membership or those who attend its events (but the overwhelming experience of Society members is that this is not the case.)

The Society does not employ staff and its volunteers usually work as individuals or in association with another member of the Society. The Society expects that in working together, members should have regard to the general policy statement above, and avoid any behaviour which might constitute, or might be construed as constituting, abuse (physical or mental), exploitation or harassment.

The Society does organise public meetings, events, and visits to a wide range of locations including industrial sites. In making arrangements for these, the Society will have due regard for the safety and welfare of those attending, and in particular will ensure that attendees are warned in advance of circumstances which might give rise to difficulties for some, eg trip hazards, loud noises, flashing lights etc.


Any concerns about safeguarding issues, and any queries about the policy, should be addressed to the Society’s Secretary (or the Chair, or any other member of the Management Team.)

Any complaints or incidents will considered in the first instance by a sub-group of the Management Team convened by the Chair or the Secretary; this will make recommendations for action which will be formally considered, and implemented, by the Management Team; and the complainant will be notified of the action taken. In particular, the Management Team will ensure that serious incidents are reported to the Charity Commission in accordance with the Commission’s guidance and that safeguarding allegations, complaints or incidents will be reported to other agencies in accordance with the law and best practice.

The Secretary will ensure that a record is maintained, kept in a secure location, of all incidents including the action taken and the resolution.

The Society will keep this policy under review as part of its annual policy review.

March 2019

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