Graphic Packaging

22/06088/PREAPP Graphic Packaging Filwood Road Bristol BS16 3SB

Outline application for demolition and re-development of the existing factory buildings to provide approximately 250+ residential units comprising apartments and houses (including affordable housing).

The Society has concerns regarding the proposed loss of employment land without any clarity on where such sites are to be provided in the future. This site is one of three adjacent employment sites which will be lost to employment should current proposals proceed. We request that there is a fundamental review of employment land in this part of Bristol prior to any encouragement being given to a residential led scheme.

There is very little detail regarding the residential proposal but there will clearly be advantages to co-operation with adjacent sites should all three proceed. We will expect to see the full provision of affordable housing. We welcome the permeability although but the route to the north-east does not align with the road in the Verona site. We would need to see further details to support the “opportunity for landmark building in key corner location”.

Simon Birch




1 thought on “Graphic Packaging”

  1. Gavin Smith

    The potential for reopening the adjacent Midland railway line should be recognised, as indeed it is by implication on the proposal which mentions a site for Fishponds station. Both the developer and the Council should regard this as an advantage, and the line safeguarded for a future tram line when Bristol finally develops a rapid transit system as has Birmingham, Nottingham, etc and soon Cardiff. The existing cycleway should be redesigned alongside.

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