Annual General Meeting: 8th September 2020

The Society’s origin: the Bristol Kyrle Society

The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Bristol Civic Society will be held online on Tuesday 8th September at 19.00, using Zoom. All members are welcome to participate if they wish, but they must contact the Society secretary ( in advance to ensure they are sent the Zoom details.

The online meeting will be short. The content will be confined to the formal business of an AGM: receiving and approving the reports on the year’s activities and the Society’s finances; and the elections of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary and other members of the Management Team. Nominations for officers and the Management Team must be sent to the secretary by 1st September 2020.

2020 AGM documents

Accounts for 2020
Minutes of the 2019 AGM
Nominations for Election

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