The development of this site is to provide 18 residential units and commercial floorspace.
The Society supports this project in principle but objects to the proposed internal layouts of the flats. The applicant has spent a significant amount of time and effort producing the proposals and the documents show what a fantastic job has been done. The consultation with the community and in-depth analysis of the existing buildings and elevational treatments is to be commended.
However, we believe that there is a fundamental design error in the proposals which is negatively affecting the very positive objective to create more residential properties in the area. The living spaces are in the middle of the flats without any windows or clear views out and therefore cannot deliver healthy living standards.
In addition, the flat layouts turn their backs on the street, by providing bedrooms to the front elevation. This could cause ongoing noise issues and additional cost to the building and occupants.
In our view, these issues could readily be designed away, thereby creating an excellent project in all respects.
Simon Birch
Thank you for making these valid comments.
I would like to add:-
It was a major, historical mistake, to demolish the Cinema!
I did ask that, at least! Leave the frontage of cinema, and return it to its former splendor, and also replace the Stained glass windows, which would have retained the continuity of the history of the Filwood Broadway development.
Chair of:- Filwood Chase History Society
I totally agree with James Smith. Definitely a huge mistake destroying the cinema. It could of been turned into a multi use area, so much more could of been done. To have the history of the cinema retained with the stained glass windows would be amazing.