Bristol Avon Rivers Trust, Thurs 15 Jan 2015

A talk by Ian Mock

The talk will provide a background to the River Trusts and what they do with examples of the progress made by our own local Trust since it was set up in 2012. The talk will cover a range of project types showing the range of opportunities for involvement for volunteers and the wider contribution the Trust is making to help deliver more major environmental contributions at many levels.

Ian Mock is employed to manage the Trust and its day to day activities which includes all aspects of running a small business, accounts, project management and also getting his feet wet when he can. He retired from a senior management position with Clerical Medical ten years ago and has since been enjoying the countryside and his family. This interlude is now over as Trust activities are fast taking over his every waking hour.

7.30pm Upper Meeting Room, Friends Meeting House, Hampton Road , BS6 6JE Members £2 (voluntary), Non-members £5. Booking not required.

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